Skin Zone

In this article, we will discuss the graph above, whose Y axis displays pressure and X axis displays distance from well. Rw represents the radius of the well , Re represents the distance of the reservoir limit from our well, while Rs is the distance of the skin zone from the well. The picture explains about the skin zone which is located near the well, created as the result from damages of our interventions to the formation. This skin zone will give vast amount of problems, as in the picture, the pressure will alter to be smaller near the well. But, the skin itself does not always make the pressure become lower. The skin also may be engineered to make the permeability near the wellbore become even higher than the natural permeability, thus increase the pressure higher than what supposed to be naturally. That might be the method to solve the problem which may be seen from the picture, as the higher pressure near the well will be advantageous for us. But first, let’s...