
Showing posts from 2016

Free Download Vocabulary Test for Business

There are a lot of advantages in socializing with business professionals. Most of the have the communities that support each other, and they have positive attitude in facing their problems. They are also willing to help you when you are in a problem. But it is not easy to join these premium communities. They should first see that you are a motivated person, polite, and civilized. They don't want to spoil their great attitude, habits, and vision with people who know nothing about the beauty of hard work, big vision and social respect. thus, they often filter their surrounding with the right people and those who help them to achieve a better goal. Sometime, the simplest thing they want to see is either you are well educated or not.

Why being Sustainable is Better than being Consistent for Procrastinator

How to deal with Procrastination? Procrastination means the habit of delaying activities people should actually do, especially when the  activities are important and really need immediate focus or attention.  There are many people dealing with procrastination in their daily activities, and everybody procrastinates at certain time, either when they feel bored, stressed, or tired. People may procrastinate at work, at study or doing homework (college students often procrastinate more at the time of exam week!), or when they should do exercise (instead, they become bench-potato!).  As procrastination become a more common habit (since people easily browse some random articles on the Internet or scrolling through Facebook to avoid things they should do), a lot of people certainly guilty  for this bad habit. Procrastination consume their productivity, and at the end of the day it causes them stress. People event try to maintain it with apps or tight supervision. If ...

Fractured Reservoir, Our Future

Naturally Fractured Reservoir is a term that we use to the reservoir that  the fracture have significant contribut ion to the change of the reservoir's permeability.With these fractures, there are others properties which will change too, such as flow rates, anisotropy, recovery, and storage.  It is a kind of confusing material for many people, as until this day, people always prefer the conventional reservoirs which have been been developed and observed for hundred years. People simply don't know the fact that more than 50% of proven reserve in the world are obtained in Naturally fractured reservoir. Even almost all the geothermal reservoirs are naturally fractured reservoirs. Yes they are more complex and heterogeneous, but as the world need energy to develop the modern civilization, the advancement of technology to the more complex and multiple porosity reservoirs is a must. That is why our future will move towards the development of this fractured reservoir. While ot...

Enhance Your English Vocabulary!!

Before talking about English vocabulary, we should understand first the importance of the English  in our daily activities. There are about 2 billion people speak English as their daily language. English is also the primary  language   in  business activities, thus it is very important to learn English if they are about to enter a global market and society. Unfortunately, to be in professional society is not as easy as learning the regular English. At least, people want you to look smart and educated. One of the most significant difference is the level of vocabulary which is used in professional society. This is mainly related to the function of impressing other people, developing confidence and gaining others' trust. The vocabulary itself should be trained and remembered to be used naturally in the daily activities. It is very important to know the context for every words we use, as some words are not suitable in certain conditions (It should make ...

When Will People Need OBM Instead of WBM? (And Vice Versa)

What is Drilling Mud? Drilling Mud/ Drilling fluid is very important in drilling a well. If you’ve ever drilled a hole through a wood, you must have known that the wood chips should crash & fly outside the hole, or the bit will be buried with the wood chips (That is why people occasionally blow the hole to crash out the buried wood chip). How do people maintain those “chips” get out the well while drilling in the oil field, in the condition that the bottom hole might be kilometers away from the surface? Yes, this is the purpose of the drilling mud itself. We need to put the mud inside the hole, then circulating the mud while drilling to transport those “chips” (which is called ‘cuttings’ in petroleum engineering terminology) out from the hole. 

The Art of Productivity

Being productive is very interesting. It is NOT a terminology that is used to force person to do things other people want. Instead, it is somehow a solution to solve problem for both sides. Productivity should be understood as the way someone enrich his experiences and skills while solving the tasks offered to him. By that way, the problem will be solved (sure, company hires people to solve problem!), and the working quality of the person will become better as they gain more experiences. Productivity should not be seen as the way you simply get money. That way, you will work as long as you need the money, and it will become a problem when the competition becomes higher. Whatever you do now, one day, there will be someone who are willing to do your job for smaller salary, and that is bad for you. You should see your productivity as an investment, and that way, nobody will be trusted to do your job instead of you alone. Why? Because the company have seen your results are developing and ...