Core Porosity


Core sampling is very important to be done to know the petrophysical property of the formation.

It is usually shaped as a cylinder, since it is obtained by using coring bit, the drilling bit which drills the formation with a hole in the center to obtain the sample while drilling, which is called the "core bowling". The cost for coring a well is very expensive, and not all wells will be cored. Also, instead using the conventional whole core, people may also use the sidewall cores, which will take the samples from the wall after the well has been drilled by using wireline. Sidewall cores are cheaper than the conventional core explained above, but the data will not be as complete as conventional core. The advantage is the price and the time which is only spends hours, instead of days.

The sidewall cores are retrieved by two ways:
Rotary sidewall coring and percussion side wall coring. Rotary sidewall coring will use a special small core bit which will poop out from the main tool and get the sample from the sidewall.

The percussion sidewall coring, will shoot small core barrel to the wall and retrieve the sample. This method is very fast, but it will create some damage to the sample and the porosity or permeability measurement will be inaccurate.

Now, I have a simple program where people can get porosity of the core, total porosity and effective porosity. Total porosity is all the void volume divided to total volume of the core. effective porosity is all the connected void volume divided to total volume of the core. It means, the porosity will count the void which can be flowed by outer fluid, and in this case, the procedure will be by wetting the core with water.

Thanks for coming, have a nice day!!

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